John Curtis Christian School

Summer Reading

John Curtis Christian School strongly encourages all of our students to read for enjoyment during the summer months. Students may earn extra credit by completing summer reading assignments. Please read the documents below for more information.

IXL-Summer Math and Reading Practice

All students entering 2nd – 6th grade at JCCS have full access to the IXL website. IXL offers personalized and unlimited learning practice in the subject areas of English, Reading, and Math. We ask that you encourage your child to log in to the IXL website during the summer and practice any skills that are on their grade level.  See the document below for more information.

Directions for Student Log-In to IXL:

1. Go to 

2. Enter Username: graduation year + first initial + last name@jccs (example: 2029asmith@jccs)

3. Enter Password: the password is the same password used to access the student's school Google account

4. Click on the "Learning" tab and select a skill to practice. You can filter skills by grade level, subject, or follow a skill plan. Click on the “Assessment” tab to take a diagnostic test to pinpoint recommended ELA and Math skills. 

NOTE: Students who are logged into the Chrome browser with their JCCS Google account can go to and click the "Sign in with Google" button.

(If a student does not know their password, email

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