There are a number of ways for parents to become involved at JCCS. We encourage you to stop by the school office during Student Orientation to sign up as a volunteer for various events throughout the school year. Also, join the Patriot Nation Men's Club or the Patriot Ladies Club to become part of a great organization and connect with other parents while supporting your child's school.
To provide assistance to John Curtis Christian School, it's students, faculty, staff and surrounding community. Also very important to this organization is our ability to help outside organizations / charitable groups.
The organization is a membership-based entity. Members have the right to vote on various issues of the organization, including election of the board members, charitable distributions, event planning, and solicitation of donations. Membership is open to any male individual who has some relationship with John Curtis Christian School/Church either as a parent, alumni, or a supporting member. Community members who have no direct connections with the school and church can join per sponsorship by a member and finalized by member vote.
The Patriot Ladies Club is a membership based, independent, non profit organization that provides support to the school and the community of John Curtis Christian School.
Any female who is a parent or alumni of John Curtis can sign up and pay dues to be a member of the PLC. The membership form can be downloaded from the PLC website. Payment of the annual dues are required with the submission of the membership form. Dues are $50.00 a year and can be paid by check, cash or Venmo (Patriot Ladies Club @PLC-2021).
Monthly meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month from August through June. For more information, contact
John Curtis Christian School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of the organization. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions, policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, and other organization-administered programs.
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